DEAR ABBY: I have been married for 12 years and am very unhappy. My husband refuses counseling because he feels nothing is wrong. I do all the parenting, cooking, most of the cleaning, etc. He does work, but refuses to leave a "cushy" job for one that's better paying.
I have sacrificed my safety to work at a school that is known for violence, but he doesn't seem to care other than to say that he will buy me a bulletproof vest. Being back in the dating world would be more fun than this so-called marriage. We are both 34, and a friend says I am going through the "itch."
I am very confused. Help! -- K.D.P. IN S.C.
DEAR K.D.P.: Don't scratch your "itch" -- it will only cause further irritation on what is already a sore spot. The dating world has its share of problems, too. If your husband refuses to seek counseling, go without him. It may give you some insight into your feelings and why you have tolerated this kind of marriage for 12 years.