DEAR ABBY: I recently went to visit my widowed, elderly father in Florida. Like many elderly, his eyesight is not what it once was. He suffers from macular degeneration and has trouble reading small print. What disturbed me so was the fact that he could no longer go to restaurants because he couldn't read the menu.
Why don't restaurants print menus in large print? I'm not suggesting that all of their menus be that way, only to have some on hand for people who would like them.
Abby, my father is not alone -- his friends are not going to restaurants either. They're embarrassed. I asked him why they don't ask the restaurants to provide large-print menus. He said they would laugh at him. I felt awful.
Please, Abby, be the voice of the elderly once again. These people have a lot of spendable cash, and it wouldn't hurt the restaurants to cater to this large group of people. We're all going to be there one day.
A word to the restaurant association would be appreciated by many. -- MILDRED, A LOVING AND CONCERNED DAUGHTER IN ILLINOIS
DEAR MILDRED: I'm pleased to pass the word along, but a person doesn't have to be elderly to have trouble reading small print; being over the age of 40 is usually enough. Large-print menus are an excellent suggestion -- and while I'm at it, a clever restaurateur should be willing to keep a few pairs of reading glasses on hand as well as a couple of flashlights in case the ambient lighting isn't enough.