DEAR ABBY: I have been married to "Yuri" for almost 14 years. We have three children. It hasn't always been easy. We have had our differences. Recently, Yuri told me that he loved me less than he used to. Abby, I don't know what to make of this.
Does this mean the love is permanently gone, or do we have a chance of bringing back the flame? -- CONFUSED IN WENDOVER, ONTARIO, CANADA
DEAR CONFUSED: Your husband may have meant that the "spark" has dimmed in your marriage -- but I wouldn't call that hopeless. I suspect he was either angry when he said it, or he misses the "excitement" of first love.
Several things can be done to rekindle the passion you once felt for each other. Start thinking about what attracted you and Yuri to each other in the first place, and use that to recapture the magic of your early years together. Consult a marriage counselor to explore what issues might be dividing you. Explore a marriage encounter program designed to make a good marriage even better. If you opt to try this avenue, check with your church about the availability of such programs.