DEAR ABBY: Five years ago, I married a 40-year-old bachelor. It was his first marriage. Abby, he has given me only $10 (yes, $10!) in all the time we have been married, and he spends nothing on my children by my first marriage. I still pay all my own expenses, as I did when I was single -- my car payments, insurance, clothing, gas, and everything we purchase for the house, such as furniture, drapes, carpeting, linens. He also expects me to pay for his clothes and all of the groceries. I do this on a minimum-wage salary! He makes good money, owns his car free and clear, and the house is also paid for. All he pays for is utilities.
He is rude and grouchy to my kids and has never bought them birthday or Christmas presents.
His mother lived with him before we were married, and he has bought her a brand-new car, paid her insurance, car payments and gas, and he lets her pick out her own presents for Mother's Day, birthdays, etc.
He will never change, and I'm not even sure I love him. Am I a fool to stay with this man? -- NO CITY, NO STATE
DEAR NO CITY: Since you raised the question, the answer is, yes, you ARE a fool to stay with this man.