DEAR ABBY: I need advice on airline etiquette. I am over 6 feet tall and a frequent traveler. As the distance between my knees and the seat in front of me in coach class is reduced by the airlines, is it unreasonable to expect the person in front of me to ask permission before pushing the seat back? Do passengers have the right to push as far back as possible without regard to the inconvenience and discomfort it may cause the passengers behind them?
Several times in the past few years, people -- usually women -- have pushed their seat backs into my knees, and when I told them nicely there was no more room for reclining, proceeded to push their seat back even farther. Not only is it uncomfortable and rude, it makes work on a laptop computer impossible. If someone were behind me, I wouldn't dream of reclining without his or her permission.
If there isn't a definitive rule, how about taking a stand to establish one? I know many travelers would be pleased to have this point of etiquette specifically addressed. -- PDX TRAVELER, TIGARD, ORE.
DEAR PDX TRAVELER: The passenger in front of you has a right to recline his seat, although it is rude and abrasive to do so without first obtaining permission. A solution to your problem would be to request bulkhead seating when you make your next reservation.