DEAR ABBY: My fiance and I had a child three years ago. (I know we should have waited until we were married, but we didn't.) I also have other children.
When his parents learned I was pregnant, they wanted me to have an abortion. I refused. Ever since my daughter was born, they have become doting grandparents. They want her to themselves as much as possible.
Abby, they treat me and my other children badly, and they get upset when I call it to their attention. Please help to convince them to treat the children equally and to be civil to me. -- ALMOST DAUGHTER-IN-LAW
DEAR ALMOST DAUGHTER-IN-LAW: Being an "almost" daughter-in-law is like being a "little bit" pregnant. Either you are or you aren't. Perhaps they are waiting until their son makes you part of the family before they feel comfortable treating you that way.
However, as disapproving as they may feel about your relationship with their son, they should be told that their obvious favoritism for their granddaughter is creating ill feelings among the other siblings. And they should curb it because it's unfair to her to be resented for something over which she has no control.