DEAR ABBY: My wife, "Patty," and her sister, "Anita," have a love-hate relationship. They can't be together for more than an hour without a major argument. Anita is usually the instigator of these loud, ugly disagreements.
My problem is, Patty feels I should confront Anita and put her in her place. I'd like to, but my feelings are so strong I'm afraid I'd have one hellacious, final argument with her and demand that she stay out of our lives forever. I'm afraid if Anita became aggressive I might hit her. I haven't hit anyone since childhood, and under normal circumstances can control my temper.
I've told Patty that although I support her, I can't do what she's asking. It has put quite a strain on our marriage. If I give in and have that final argument, I know Patty will miss her sister and want to make up with her. With that in the background, I know I wouldn't be comfortable with Anita in our home.
Should I do as my wife wishes and reprimand her sister, or tell my wife this is between her and Anita, and keep my mouth shut? -- BETWEEN THE "HATFIELDS AND MC COYS," LITTLE ROCK, ARK.
DEAR BETWEEN: Your wife is old enough and sufficiently experienced to fight her own battles. Your reasons for remaining neutral are compelling. Stay out of it.