DEAR ABBY: I just want to thank you for your suggestions about Christmas gifts for seniors. My 15-year-old daughter took your advice and made beautiful "family albums" for each of her grandmothers.
Around Thanksgiving of last year, she wrote letters to all their brothers, sisters, children and grandchildren, explaining what she was planning and saying she'd like a memory or a story involving them. She also asked if they had any photographs she could use or copy.
The replies were great! Almost everyone took the time to send an old memory or a funny story. Those who didn't regretted it once they saw the books.
My mother and mother-in-law both cried when they read their albums. It was something special just to watch their faces and hear all the "Oh, yeahs," and, "I forgot about thats."
Both albums are proudly displayed in their homes and are passed around often. I'm very proud of my daughter for all her hard work on those books. She did a great job.
My question for you, Abby, is: How does she top that this year? -- TIA'S PROUD MOM, BETHLEHEM, PA.
DEAR MOM: I don't blame you for being proud of your creative and generous daughter. The answer to your question is: Sometimes it's better to coast until you're blessed with another inspiration.