DEAR ABBY: A couple of weeks ago, my grandfather was having chest pains. He has a history of heart problems, and had been prescribed nitroglycerin pills for emergencies. Unfortunately, the pills had expired long ago. My grandfather knew it and took two to make up the difference. It didn't, so he took two more. Abby, my grandfather took six pills within a half-hour and was feeling progressively worse. He called my grandmother and asked her to call 911.
A few hours later, we learned that he had suffered a severe angina attack. It didn't damage his heart, but he could have avoided a hospital stay if the pills he had taken were still potent. Some people might think that the expiration date stamped on the bottle is a "guideline" or just a way for the pharmacy to make money. As my family learned, this assumption is wrong.
Please tell your readers the importance of checking the expiration dates on their medications, and that the pills are not good after the expiration date -- even if the bottle is unopened. -- ALLEN BOUCHARD, CUMBERLAND, R.I.
DEAR ALLEN: I'm passing the word along -- with a little advice from a pharmacist at the Mayo Clinic: Many medications are relatively stable, but it's probably a good idea to discard medications that have been in the patient's possession for more than a year. Nitroglycerin is an exception, however, because it can deteriorate even more rapidly. Because of this fact, pharmacists will dispense this medication in the original bottle from the manufacturer -- which has an airtight seal under the cover.
This is the reason it's not a good idea for patients to transfer nitroglycerin tablets to any other kind of pillbox or container. Once the seal on the bottle is broken, it's wise to get a new supply of the drug after three to six months and to discard the old bottle -- particularly if the medication has been exposed to heat and humidity. This is usually not a hardship for the patient, as nitroglycerin is a fairly inexpensive medication.