DEAR ABBY: I'm very upset with my boyfriend. "Jeff" stood me up on the anniversary of our first date. It was a very important occasion to me. He had promised that we'd have a special date that evening.
I was recuperating from a hysterectomy, and it would have been our first night of lovemaking since the surgery. He had been very supportive up until that time.
Jeff is in the National Guard and volunteers for extra duty to earn extra pay because he's between jobs. However, he could have at least called me to say he couldn't make it. This is the second time in six months that he's stood me up without calling.
I haven't called him and I don't think I should. I did write him an angry letter with a lot of name-calling, but I didn't mail it. (It helped me dispel some anger.)
What do I do now? -- PUT OUT IN ALBUQUERQUE
DEAR PUT OUT: I don't blame you for being upset. Now comes the hard part -- waiting to see how long it takes Jeff to call and apologize for standing you up. If you don't hear from him within two weeks, you can safely assume he has ended the relationship -- and not very nicely, I might add.