DEAR ABBY: I am an 18-year-old student in my last year of high school, desperately trying to find my calling in life.
I love writing, and I am proud to say that my English grades have been high. I enjoy anything that has to do with writing, from making my own greeting cards and calendars to writing stories and letters.
Abby, I want to go to a university, but I'm not sure what field I should pursue, because many people tell me that there aren't many jobs available in the language field.
I read your column every day and admire your work. I was hoping that you could give me some sound advice. -- UNSURE SENIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL
DEAR UNSURE: There is no need to make up your mind about your career field at this time. Go to college and take classes that will get the basics out of the way, and also a few in creative writing and journalism. You can also be tested in the student counselor's office to determine in which field you are likely to be fulfilled and successful.
Many people choose majors in the first or second years of college, but many also change those majors as they mature and discover they have other interests. Please don't feel that you must make a career choice before you have explored several options.