DEAR ABBY: I'm sending you a picture of my brother. While I don't expect you to send it to "Stressed Out," who was tempted to ignore the school's rule against attending parties where there was drinking and drugs or be penalized by removal from sports teams, please stress how deadly drinking can be. The picture of my brother -- on life-support due to his alcoholism -- is very sad for me, and very chilling to see.
Abby, I don't drink, but I'm being punished because of alcohol. My parents died young from alcohol-related disorders and now I've lost my brother to the same addiction. He began drinking at weekend parties when he was a teen-ager, never dreaming that he, too, would be unable to quit. He was a gifted artist, but the more he drank, the less artwork he produced -- and now he's dead.
It hurts me to see advertising that draws teens into drinking and smoking. When will the insanity stop?
To any teen who reads this and hasn't given in to the pressure to drink, I would like to pat you on the back. I am proud of you. It takes great strength to go against the flow. Your chances of making your dreams come true are increased if you don't allow alcohol to get in your way. -- GRIEVING AND ALONE IN ANAHEIM, CALIF.
DEAR GRIEVING: Please accept my condolences for the loss of your beloved brother. I am printing your letter so teens can see for themselves that drinking and drugs can have unforeseen tragic results. Alcoholism and drug addiction are diseases, and unfortunately some families are genetically predisposed to them. Teens, beware! It CAN happen to you, so don't risk it.