DEAR ABBY: I have carried this resentment for two years and would like to ask you if I am right or wrong to feel hurt and angry.
On Thanksgiving 1996, which was our 53rd anniversary, my wife and I invited our children and grandchildren and a few close friends to our home for dinner. We received many nice gifts from all.
Abby, the following day my wife passed away. It was completely unexpected. Thank goodness all my family was here.
One couple, whom my wife and I had known for many years, immediately asked me to return their gift. I was shocked, but of course I complied. My children were angry at me for giving in to their request.
Was I wrong to return their gift? Please don't identify me, as the couple lives nearby. -- STILL HURTING IN GEORGIA
DEAR STILL HURTING: No, you were not wrong to have returned the gift, but I think it was wrong of them to have asked you to do so.