DEAR ABBY: I'm 32 years old and in love with a man I met six months ago. The problem is that I'm not sure he cares about me.
He has recently gone through a tough divorce that hurt him deeply. His ex-wife was the first and only relationship he has ever had.
Things were going well for us until a few months ago, when he told me he "needed his space." We got back together, and then about a month after that he began to slowly slip away from me again. Each week he would distance himself more, until one day I received a letter from him stating that he felt we were not meant for each other.
I love him so much, Abby, and I don't want to lose him forever. I keep hoping he'll change his mind and come back to me, because at work he still has a picture of the two of us on his desk. Does this mean something? Please help? -- HEARTBROKEN IN VERMONT
DEAR HEARTBROKEN: I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but the timing couldn't have been worse for the two of you to have met. A man who is fresh out of a tough divorce from a wife who was his first and only love has many issues to work through before he settles down to another serious commitment.
The fact that he still keeps a photograph of the two of you on his desk means that the association is a pleasant one for him. But you're ready to get serious and he's not, so keep looking.