DEAR ABBY: Today's news is filled with tragic events in the lives of many families, yet little is said about where families can turn for help. I would like to let you and your readers know about "Because I Love You" (BILY), a not-for-profit parent support group.
Parents come to our meetings with problems with their children such as substance abuse, running away, truancy, and verbal and physical abuse. Our goal is to provide the tools that reunite dysfunctional families. The courts, school officials and members of the medical profession refer families to us, but we are asking your help in letting more families in need know about us. Many families are in crisis, and BILY can help.
We hold meetings in many states and provide referrals to professional and non-professional resources such as rehab centers, shelters and other self-help groups. Our services are free. We have no paid employees, only concerned parents who volunteer their time and experience.
More information about Because I Love You is available on our Web site at: Our e-mail address is:, or send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to BILY, P.O. Box 473, Santa Monica, Calif. 90406. Thank you, Abby, for the wonderful work you do. -- DENNIS PONCHER, FOUNDER, BECAUSE I LOVE YOU
DEAR DENNIS: I am pleased to help spread the word. I know that my readers who are experiencing problems with their children will benefit from learning about your organization. You provide an important service, and I wish you continued success.