DEAR ABBY: What is with this trend toward all the vulgar language used in movies these days? Has Hollywood lost all sense of decency?
When the Academy Awards presentations were held in March, did they televise "clips" of the language used in those films? You bet they didn't!
My wife and I went to see "Good Will Hunting" just a week before the awards ceremony. It was hyped to be so-o-o good -- but it was terrible to be bombarded with that vile language. It made me wonder who is judging the quality of the entertainment industry these days. We weren't entertained at all.
Maybe language of that type is acceptable in some circles, but as for us, a night at the movies is off our entertainment schedule for the rest of our lives. -- NO MORE MOVIES, FORT COLLINS, COLO.
DEAR NO MORE: In an effort to put realism into many of the current movies, the industry seems to have gone overboard on the use of vulgarity and profanity. Aside from being offensive to many viewers, the profanity is boring and repetitious.
I'm all for the Motion Picture Association's rating system, which lets children, adults and everyone in between know in advance what to expect before they buy their tickets.