DEAR ABBY: I met a very attractive widower I'll call Bob a few weeks ago at an RV park for seniors. He lost his wife eight years ago. My husband died three years ago. Bob and I spent most of that week in each other's company during the day, and since we've returned home, we have had lunch together several times.
Last week, Bob revealed that he's had surgery and radiation treatment for prostate cancer. I also have been treated for cancer. We are both nearing the time we will be considered cured.
Abby, we are planning to vacation together this summer. I keep expecting him to mention something about his inability to perform sexually, but he hasn't. To tell you the truth, sex is not all that important to me. In fact, I would rather skip that part of a relationship.
Would I be out of line to let him know in advance that I am not expecting any skyrockets or Roman candles on our vacation? -- HESITATING
DEAR HESITATING: Perhaps Bob has said nothing about his inability to perform sexually because his sex life is not yet over. Although I advocate honesty in relationships, I think that letting him know you expect no rockets and Roman candles could be potentially embarrassing and presumptuous.