DEAR ABBY: I am adopted, and my heart goes out to "Still Wounded by Adoption," who said adoptees search for their "real" parents because they need a sense of connection to the universe, and branded adoption as "barbaric."
Abby, I have never searched for my birth parents. My "real" parents are the mom and dad who raised me, stayed up with me when I was sick, taught me to read and write, and worried about me when I stayed out past my curfew. They are the couple who attended my football games and involved themselves in everything that was important to me, who scrimped and saved to send me to college and help me through law school, and are still there for me. I have two parents who love me, and that's all I could ever ask for.
I can't comprehend "Wounded's" idea that adoption is barbaric. What is barbaric about a couple, who couldn't biologically create a child, wanting to love and raise one in a stable home? It wasn't barbaric for my birth parents to demonstrate their love by placing me for adoption by a wonderful, loving couple who could provide what they couldn't. My biological parents allowed someone who desperately wanted a child to have the chance to be a parent, and I'm grateful for the generosity and maturity that went into that decision. -- MICHAEL H. MOHLMAN, LAWRENCE, KAN.
DEAR MICHAEL: Your letter echoes the sentiments of most adoptees. Thank you for re-emphasizing that adoption was an act of love on the part of your birth parents, as well as your adoptive parents.