DEAR ABBY: After spending yet another night alone while my husband was out having a few beers with his friends, I decided to write him the following thank-you note:
Thank you for the countless times you've gone out with your friends and left me home alone; it's made me realize I'm pretty good company.
Thank you for withholding your affection; you taught me I can live without it.
Thank you for refusing to help me do anything around the house; it's made me realize I can do just about anything myself.
Thank you for finding reasons not to spend time with me; it's made me learn to appreciate spending time alone.
Thank you for never sitting down to talk to me; the quiet time has allowed me to re-evaluate my life.
But most of all, and I mean this sincerely, thank you for giving me nine lonely years to realize with conviction that I can walk away from you and survive! -- YOUR 'IN NAME ONLY' WIFE
DEAR IN NAME ONLY: Your farewell letter gives new meaning to finding the good in every bad situation. I'm sorry your lessons had to be learned the hard way. Perhaps your letter will educate others and save them from the pain you experienced.