DEAR ABBY: My fiance hates my cooking. Every time I make a meal and ask him what he thinks, he has a different complaint. If I correct what he complained about, he finds a new complaint.
I made a meatloaf. He said the onions overpowered it. I made a romantic, candlelit dinner of chicken and roasted potatoes with a cream sauce. He called it weird. When I prepare a time-consuming dinner, he smothers it with ketchup or salad dressing. It's always "too much salt," "too bland," "needs something," or "not like my mother made," etc.
Abby, I have told him this is hurtful, but he still complains. He has even called my cooking "gross."
I'm sure it isn't that I can't cook -- other people love what I prepare, and my mother says I'm a natural. I have been cooking since I was 11 years old.
My fiance also cooks occasionally, and when he does, I always compliment him on whatever he makes. Is it too much to expect him to express appreciation for my efforts? -- CRUSHED IN ARLINGTON, TEXAS
DEAR CRUSHED: Since you can't please your fiance and he knows how to cook, turn the chore over to him. When you feel the urge to cook, do it for your friends who appreciate your culinary skills.
Your fiance may get his fill of cooking if he has to do all of it, and then he may be glad to let you take over. However, refuse unless he promises not to criticize, to give you a compliment now and then, and share his recipes and culinary secrets.