DEAR ABBY: Our grandfather is driving us bananas. He is in good health, retired and visits us every day. He is very good to us, but this everyday thing is taking a toll on us.
We love Grandpa dearly, but unless we make plans not to be home at the time of his daily visits, we are stuck listening to his opinion on everything -- and according to him, his opinion is the only right one.
We don't want to hurt his feelings, but we are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Abby, how can we handle this sensitive problem? -- PERPLEXED GRANDDAUGHTER
DEAR PERPLEXED: Your grandfather obviously is lonely and bored. Call the local seniors center and find out what kind of programs they offer. Encourage Grandpa to check out the center. If they serve lunches for seniors, suggest he go for lunch a few times to make friends.
Also, look into volunteer needs at local hospitals, libraries and schools, and impress on Grandpa how much he is needed in those programs.
If Grandpa is interested in traveling, buy him some travel magazines and pick up some brochures from your travel agent. There are some interesting cruises and tours especially for seniors.
Use your imagination to come up with other projects to interest him. If he gets busy with others, he will probably have less time for visits to the family.