DEAR ABBY: My fiance and I are planning an August wedding, and we're working on the exact wording of the ceremony. He is a judge and I have a Ph.D. in education. We've worked hard for these degrees and titles and are proud of them.
At the end of the ceremony when the presentation is made, instead of the usual, "I present to you Mr. and Mrs. (BLANK)," I thought maybe it could be, "I present to you Judge and Doctor (BLANK)."
My fiance says this is too pretentious. I agree that it's pretentious, but I prefer to be called "Doctor" rather than "Mrs." Abby, what do you think?
As it is, we'll go with Mr. and Mrs., but I wonder if you see any other solution here? -- DR. D. IN ARCADIA
DEAR DR. D.: I vote with your fiance. Your friends and family already know that he is a judge and you have a Ph.D.
The wedding is about the two of you becoming husband and wife -- not judge and doctor. After the wedding you'll have the rest of your lives to be addressed as judge and doctor.