DEAR ABBY: I'm sure you opened the floodgates when you asked your readers for their definition of either a lousy or a great lover. I have always thought there should be a school to teach people how to be great lovers. There are so few of them around. A lady is lucky indeed to run into one, and truly blessed to be married to one.
Your definition that a lousy lover is hurried, selfish and inconsiderate was right on, but the list also should include being insensitive, having poor hygiene, poor verbal skills, and unwilling to give more than he gets, etc. I hope you print some of the responses you get. It will be interesting to see what your readers have to say on the subject. -- BEBE IN LA MIRADA, CALIF.
DEAR BEBE: I certainly hit a nerve when I asked the question, because the responses are still pouring in. I had no idea so many women (and men) would have so much to say on the subject. Read on:
DEAR ABBY: A good lover, male or female, is one who is teachable. -- SUZANNE IN PHOENIX