DEAR ABBY: I just finished reading your column, as I do every day in my local paper. I have always found you to give wise, pertinent advice. However, your advice to "Scared in Denver" is way out of line! Never would I suggest to anyone, male or female, to give permission to the other "companion" (for lack of a better word) to "sow his or her wild oats" and then feel welcome to return to that relationship for any reason.
How about if the shoe were on the other foot and the lady in this relationship asked the man if she could sow her wild oats? Personally, I'd tell this young man, "Adios, and don't let the door hit you on your way out!"
I realize that he didn't mention that any sexual activity would be included in this "sowing"; however, it might be something to think about with all the incurable diseases that are out in "the wild oat fields." Please reconsider your advice, Abby. -- MOTHER OF TWO DAUGHTERS IN LAKE PANASOFFKEE, FLA.
DEAR MOTHER: I did NOT give permission to anyone to sow his (or her) wild oats! I said, "If you are seriously considering marriage to a young man who's asking for permission to sow his wild oats, I advise you to postpone the wedding until he is completely done. That way, you won't have to pray for a crop failure."