DEAR ABBY: I have been married for 14 years. Every time my husband and I attend a social function, he leaves me for sometimes hours while he flirts with other women. This flirting includes touching and hugging, and he doesn't seem to care whether I (or their husbands or boyfriends) see what's going on.
He also never introduces me to anyone -- even if I am standing right next to him. I wait for him to introduce me, and when he doesn't, I introduce myself.
Abby, I have told him several times how hurt I am, but he continues this behavior and never apologizes to me. I don't understand why he acts this way, knowing how hurt and embarrassed I am. Others have noticed this and mentioned it to me. I try to laugh it off, but it is affecting our marriage. How can I have romantic feelings for a man who treats me this way? He expects me to jump into bed with him after he has ignored me and flirted with every woman in the place.
Please let me know what you think. I am ... OUT OF IDEAS IN MICHIGAN
DEAR OUT OF IDEAS: You already know that you are married to an insensitive, selfish man who has little regard for your feelings. You do not indicate that you have children, so I assume that you have none -- which baffles me as to why you've tolerated this kind of behavior your entire married life.
I urge you to seek joint marriage counseling. And if he is unwilling to go -- go without him.