DEAR ABBY: I am 15 years old and my boyfriend just told me that he loves me. He has opened his heart to me, and I'm afraid that I have nothing to say to him in return.
I know what I feel for him is more than a crush. My emotions are too strong to just "like" him. I love to be around him, I love to talk to him, and I love it when we embrace. I just don't know if I love him.
I know he's not saying this to get me into bed. We were longtime friends before we went on a date. Besides, he's way too shy for that. It took us two months before we actually kissed.
All I know is I cannot concentrate on my school work. I want to talk with him 24 hours a day. When I am with him I feel like I am on cloud nine, and he can pull me out of my darkest moods. Please help me. Do you think that what I'm feeling could be love? -- CUPID-CRAZED IN CALIFORNIA
DEAR CUPID-CRAZED: You are not the first teen-ager to ask this question. As I explain in my booklet, "What Every Teen Should Know," the crazy, mixed-up feelings you are experiencing are better known as infatuation. Infatuation
can possibly be the first step toward love, but is not, in itself, love.
During your teens, you will have a number of infatuations. Through a few of these -- and experience -- you will acquire a better sense of what love is.