DEAR ABBY: I have never written to you before, but I have had an experience that has annoyed me greatly. My son recently got married. It was a lovely wedding at an exclusive club. There was a sumptuous meal and unlimited beverages of every kind. No expense was spared.
One of the wedding gifts was a box containing two towels and a toothbrush holder. Included with it was a card signed by 12 of my daughter-in-law's co-workers.
Abby, I know the thought is what's supposed to count and not the gift, but it cost over $500 to entertain those 12 people. Considering they all earn more money than my daughter-in-law and son, I think a gift that cost $35 (collectively) was miserly. We are all upset because we don't know if the gift was given in a mean-spirited manner or because they are "etiquette-challenged."
Should we approach them on the subject or forget it? We are split on the decision. Sign me ... CANNOT BELIEVE IT IN FLORIDA
DEAR CANNOT BELIEVE IT: Do not approach them about the cost of the gift. It would be worse manners to call them on it. Wedding gifts are not the "price of admission" to a party. People should give what they can afford.