DEAR ABBY: I think my problem is unique: My longtime boyfriend is addicted to television.
He has it turned on all the time he's indoors and gets unreasonably angry if I turn it off. The constant distraction and noise drive me up the wall. Fortunately we don't live together.
I have tried to convince him it's irritating, and have even insisted he use earphones in my home, but he complains bitterly about this restriction. The television in his home won't accommodate earphones, and those in hotels and motels are not equipped with earphones either. I've tried earplugs for myself, but after a while they hurt.
The arguments over this have become very heated, and following our last battle, we split up.
Abby, I really love him and don't want to give him up, but if there is no other solution, I may have to do just that. Please don't use my name. -- DRIVEN TO DISTRACTION IN ALBANY, CALIF.
DEAR DRIVEN: This problem is not unique; many people are addicted to television.
Your boyfriend has fought your attempts to turn off the television for a very long time, so don't expect him to change now. It would be a shame to end this relationship because of his television addiction, if he's compatible in every other way. However, if you can no longer tolerate it, perhaps you should say farewell.