DEAR ABBY: The topic of working couples sharing household duties has been addressed in your column, but I've never seen a letter about retired spouses sharing household duties.
I retired two years before my husband, "Jack," did and became a full-time housewife. Now that Jack is also retired, I'm still expected to cook, clean, shop for groceries and do the chores, while he sleeps late, reads the newspaper and watches TV.
If I leave a basket of clean laundry in the utility room, Jack will retrieve clean socks or underwear one item at a time rather than pick up the basket and carry it upstairs.
My husband has always worked hard and deserves a happy retirement, but I also worked outside the home and I, too, would like to take it a little easier. Any suggestions? -- FRUSTRATED IN MISSOURI
DEAR FRUSTRATED: Jack needs training for retirement, just as he was trained for his job. Retirement experts say that if you're both retired, the division of duties should be about equal. Take a pad and pencil, make an appointment with Jack and agree on a division of duties. If you do the cooking, he should do the cleanup. The bigger jobs should also be shared. Be fair and flexible so that your retirement years may be spent on activities that are fun for both of you.