DEAR ABBY: Several years ago, my husband and I chose our daughter's friend to be our personal physician. Now a problem has arisen.
Whenever we visit our doctor, within a few days we receive a call from our daughter inquiring about our "condition." My husband and I are very private people. If we wanted our children to know the details of our health, we would tell them.
Should either of us learn that we have a fatal illness, we would want it kept between ourselves and our doctor. When the time comes to share the information with family and friends, we prefer it to be at our discretion.
Now we are concerned about the confidentiality that should exist between patient and doctor. He is such a personable young man that we hate to hurt his feelings. What do you think? -- APPREHENSIVE IN AURORA, COLO.
DEAR APPREHENSIVE: If you value your privacy, find another doctor. And do this personable young man a favor by dropping him a note to explain why. The truth may sting, but he needs to know.