DEAR ABBY: I am 68 years old and have been a widow for 10 years. The gentleman I am dating (I'll call him Jim) is 72 and has been a widower for seven years. We have been dating for five years.
Recently we attended the 50th anniversary party for some longtime friends of Jim's. After the dinner, the couple opened their gifts and read the cards aloud to the guests. Imagine my shock when Jim's card was read. He had signed it "Jim and Margaret" -- Margaret was his wife's name!
I immediately told him how hurt I was, and he said he saw nothing wrong with signing his deceased wife's name to the card. He said he and Margaret had been best friends of the honored couple for over 40 years, and he wanted to keep Margaret's memory alive in their thoughts through this gift.
I was deeply hurt by Jim's actions, both in signing the card as he did and having no regrets about doing so.
Abby, do you think I'm wasting precious time in this relationship? -- HURT IN CHERRY HILL, N.J.
DEAR HURT: Signing the card "Jim and Margaret" was indeed in poor taste in view of the fact that you and he have been dating for the last five years. He is living in the past. But before breaking off your relationship because of a single thoughtless act, ask yourself if you would be better off WITH him or WITHOUT him.