DEAR ABBY: I had to write in response to "Available in Maine." Girls, if you know this man, or any man like him, grab him! If I didn't know better, I would have sworn you were describing my husband.
I work full time as a schoolteacher and he stays home with our four children. He not only takes excellent care of the kids, he also cleans the house and runs our small farm. The only thing he can't do is cook.
Abby, I just had to tell the ladies out there that there are some absolute gems among men; however, they may not look like a magazine cover. My husband is the most wonderful, patient, loving, generous man a woman could want, but most women wouldn't take the time to find out because of his appearance.
He has very long hair and a full beard and mustache; therefore most people think he is a criminal, a "biker" or some kind of unsavory character. It's a shame more people don't get to know what a really great guy he is. You may use my name. -- KIT CONNALLY, LONE OAK, TEXAS
DEAR KIT: A man can wear his hair down to his shoulders as well as a full beard and mustache, but if it's shampooed and trimmed regularly, he can look like a magazine ad. Besides, you can't judge a book by its cover.