DEAR ABBY: I hope my letter will spare someone the sorrow of losing a little kitten.
During the night, my cat's three kittens climbed atop the tires of my car. As I approached the car, I noticed a pair of tiny paws on my left rear tire and moved the kitten to safety. Upon checking the other wheel wells, I found the two other kittens, each one on top of a tire. Unfortunately, while I was moving the others to safety, the first kitten returned, unseen by me, and resumed its perch. He's at the vet now, in very guarded condition, and may not make it.
I have seen numerous other kittens on top of tires since. It appears to be a common practice with kittens. They should be taught that cars are things to fear and avoid, no matter how inviting they may be. So, as cruel as it may seem, if the weather is warm, I hose down the wheel wells whenever I see a kitten there. If it's cold, I just fetch them out and keep my fingers crossed.
I've heard of grown cats climbing into motor compartments in the wintertime, but I've never heard or read about kittens resting on tires. I'd bet more kittens are killed this way than cats seeking warmth from a motor. Please say a word or two about it; it may spare a lot of grief. -- THE HON. H. HAYWOOD TURNER III, COLUMBUS, GA.
DEAR JUDGE TURNER: Thanks for the warning.