DEAR ABBY: My husband is having an affair. When I told him I knew about it, we had a big fight. They are still seeing each other every chance they get. She is married and has two kids. I know her name and I know where she works.
My husband was on vacation the week after Thanksgiving. He left the house at 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday to play golf (he said). I had a feeling something was fishy, so I followed him and saw them together.
I called his girlfriend's office and was told she wouldn't be in until 3 o'clock. They did the same thing on Thursday. He returned home later in the afternoon on both days.
He gets calls at night and on Saturdays. Right after the calls, he always leaves for a couple of hours.
If I answer the phone, the caller hangs up -- and my husband gets furious at me. (He won't let me answer the phone anymore.)
My questions are: Should I confront them together? Or should I just tell her husband? I can't spend the rest of my life like this. -- ANONYMOUS IN INDIANA
DEAR ANONYMOUS: Neither of the above. Since your husband knows that you are aware of what is going on and has made no effort to change his behavior, you must now decide whether you would be better off WITH or WITHOUT him.