DEAR ABBY: Where have all the smart Hollywood producers gone? Is sex all they are able to write about? It's disgusting!
I grew up in the '70s and am far from a prude, but why is it so difficult to find a clean television show these days?
They say that sex sells. If that's true, why is "Home Improvement" so popular? It's consistently one of the top-rated shows. If I want to see raw sex, I'll rent a movie or a video. Give me a break! And while I'm at it, violence is something else I can live without. Isn't it scary enough to see someone getting shot? Do they need to show someone's head blown off?
Thanks for letting me speak up. -- HAD ENOUGH IN WATERLOO, N.Y.
DEAR HAD ENOUGH: I've also had enough -- and "Home Improvement" happens to be one of my favorites, too.
On Feb. 29 in Washington, a group of network executives promised to begin rating television programs by the end of this year. It will be interesting to see if this voluntary rating system leads to any reduction of sex and violence on TV.