DEAR ABBY: Please consider reprinting this shocking "key" story. I am a 72-year-old grandmother who loves children. You may use my name. -- ESTHER ZUERCHER, WOOSTER, OHIO
DEAR ESTHER: Thank you for the reminder. This story serves as an important warning to parents of small children. Read on:
DEAR ABBY: Yesterday I was cleaning house when Kiki, my 2-year-old daughter, kept interrupting, so to keep her busy I gave her my car keys to play with; then I went back to work.
About 10 minutes later, I heard a loud thud, followed by a frightened little cry, so I assumed Kiki had climbed up on a kitchen chair and had fallen off. She came running to me with her arms outstretched, wanting me to hold her. I picked her up and told her to be careful on the kitchen chairs, noticed that her eyes were a little bloodshot, put her down after she stopped crying and returned to my housework.
About 10 minutes later, I went into the kitchen and, to my horror, I saw my car keys had been inserted into the electrical socket! I kicked them out of the socket -- they were burned on the ends. The electrical current had burned a small hole in the baseboard and blown the fuse to the refrigerator!
She hadn't fallen off a chair -- she had been shocked so severely that she was knocked off her feet! How stupid of me to have given her my keys to play with.
Abby, by the grace of God, my daughter is still alive! Please warn your readers. -- KIKI'S MOM
DEAR MOM: Thank you for sharing your close call as a warning to others. Mothers, fathers, grandparents, sitters, are you listening?