DEAR ABBY: I need your help. Yesterday, I invited my sister-in-law over for dinner. She came with her dog.
When we were clearing the dishes off the table, she took a plate with some leftovers, set it on the floor, and let her dog clean the plate. I was appalled!
This was the second time she has done this. I said nothing because there were other guests and I didn't want to embarrass her.
When we had pets, they had their own dishes.
I hate going to her house for dinner because I know that every dish and bowl has been licked by her dog. She has no dishwasher. How would your readers react?
She reads your column, and I am hoping she will realize how offensive this is to some people. -- NAME WITHHELD
DEAR NAME WITHHELD: Have I got an idea for an ideal house gift for you to give your sister-in-law!
Buy a couple of dog dishes especially for her dog. You can order some with the dog's name on them. (The dog can't read -- but your sister-in-law can.)