DEAR ABBY: I need help and don't know where to turn anymore.
My husband and I have been separated for more than two years. I still love him, but there is no chance of our getting back together again.
Abby, how do you stop loving somebody? I've been going to group therapy meetings, but it has not helped to stop the ache in my heart. Misery may love company, but it doesn't make me feel any better.
Maybe a reader who has gone through the same thing can give me some suggestions. -- ACHING HEART
DEAR ACHING: You can't "kill" love. It has to die by itself. Don't dwell on thoughts of him, and throw out all the reminders and souvenirs.
Force yourself to think of something else. Keep busy, and don't feel sorry for yourself. Tell yourself you deserve to be happy, and eventually you will be. Good luck.