DEAR ABBY: Five or six years ago, you had a prayer for dieters in your column written in the style of the 23rd Psalm. I cut it out of the Rocky Mountain News in Denver. My copy is falling apart. Would you please print it again? -- PATRICIA OWENS, COMMERCE CITY, COLO.
DEAR PATRICIA: This prayer has been around since the invention of the three-way mirror, and here it is:
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.
He maketh me lie down and do push-ups,
He giveth me sodium-free bread,
He restoreth my waistline.
He leadeth me past the refrigerator for mine own sake.
He maketh me to partake of green beans instead of potatoes,
He leadeth me past the pizzeria.
Yea, though I walk through the bakery,
I shall not falter, for thou art with me;
Thy diet colas they comfort me.
Thou preparest a diet for me in the presence of mine enemies,
Thou anointest my lettuce with low-cal oil.
My cup will not overflow.
Surely Ry Krisp and D-Zerta shall follow me all the days of my life,
And I will live with pains of hunger forever. Amen.