DEAR READERS: Over the years, I have written booklets on how to write letters for all occasions, how to have a lovely wedding, what every teen should know, how to be popular, and two booklets filled with favorite family recipes. But I completely overlooked one of the most important subjects of all -- the anger in all of us and how to deal with it.
Anger is a normal emotion. We have all experienced anger in varying degrees. My mail bears abundant testimony to that fact. I receive letters from angry children, angry parents, angry spouses, angry lovers, angry neighbors, angry pet lovers -- the list is endless.
Many people express their anger physically -- at the expense of another. Others swallow their anger and have chronic indigestion or ulcers to show for it.
I discussed the subject of anger with my longtime friend and consultant, Dr. Judd Marmor, eminent psychoanalyst and past president of the American Psychiatric Association, and with his expert guidance, another booklet, "The Anger in All of Us and How to Deal With It," emerged.
Written in plain, everyday language, it's easy to read and easy to understand. Some comments from those who have read it:
-- "I can see myself in that booklet."
-- "I wish I had read it years ago."
-- "I want my children to read it."
To order "The Anger in All of Us and How to Deal With It," send a long, business-size, self-addressed envelope, plus check or money order for $3.95 ($4.50 in Canada) to: Dear Abby Anger Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, Ill. 61054. (Postage is included.)