DEAR ABBY: I recently felt a lump in my breast. It doesn't really hurt, but I know it's there. I stand a very good chance of having cancer because my mother passed away five years ago with breast cancer.
Right now, I'm trying to handle it on my own, but I'm getting cross and downright hateful with my husband and children. I love them dearly. I know this can't go on forever.
I watched my mother die a very slow and painful death, but just the thought of going to a doctor scares me. On the other hand, if I do go to a doctor and he says it's cancer, he might have to remove my breast, and if he does, I'm scared my husband might not love me anymore, or he might leave me.
What should I do? -- SCARED TO DEATH
DEAR SCARED: Do not wait another minute! Call your doctor. Tell him exactly what you have told me, and make an appointment to see him as soon as possible. Early detection has saved the lives of many with cancer. Don't think of anything except getting to your doctor for an examination immediately.
I am sorry you didn't sign your name, because I want very much to talk to you. Please write again after you've seen the doctor. I want to stay in touch with you.