DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: I am and have always been an introvert. I am more than alright with that.
What is not so good is that the company I have worked for since I graduated college is shutting down because the owner is retiring. He has promised to give me an outstanding recommendation for my next job and I know he will make good on that promise.
I have started looking for a new job, which means I have to face being interviewed. I am terrible in interviews and only got the job I have because my boss is also super shy and was willing to give me a shot in spite of how bad my interview with him was based on my degree and other experience.
Tech jobs in my specialty have become extremely competitive and I have already been beaten out by other people who I guarantee interview better than I do, not that that is hard to do.
My parents say I should get an interview coach, but they cost a lot of money. They and my friend in HR have tried to help me prep for interviews, but the last one I did was a huge bust. The interviewers had their camera off, so I did the whole interview looking at my reflection on the laptop. It was painful.
Do you think it is worth it to hire someone to help me interview better, or is it a waste of time and money, especially since I am going to be out of work soon? --- HORRIBLE INTERVIEWEE
DEAR HORRIBLE INTERVIEWEE: In-person interviews are nerve-wracking enough, but at least they give the interviewee a sense of how well or poorly they’re doing, which isn’t as easy to gauge when you’re unable to see who you’re speaking with during an on-line interview.
Whether or not to hire an interview coach is a good question to ask your friend in HR. They might be able to give you practical guidance based on their experience, as well as potentially point you in the direction of coaches or on-line interview skill classes they’d recommend.
If you’re told by an HR professional that hiring an interview coach can substantially boost your competitive edge, then although it’ll strain your budget at this point, it could prove to be one of the wisest investments you’ll ever make.