DEAR SOMEONE ELSE'S MOM: I didn't have the kind of relationship with my mother that would have allowed me to talk to her about my sex life. That isn't how her generation worked.
I promised myself when I was a young woman I'd be completely open with my future children and encourage them to talk to me about anything and everything, including their sex lives.
My daughter is 23 and enjoys what I would call a healthy sex life. And, since I kept my promise to my younger self to encourage her to talk to me freely about anything she wanted to, I guess I can't now complain when she tells me more than I need to hear about her adventures.
Would I be a hypocrite if I brought up the possibility of her editing some of her experiences when she shares them with me? --- TOO MUCH CAN BE TOO MUCH
DEAR TOO MUCH CAN BE TOO MUCH: Your daughter might not have any idea that some of what she's sharing makes you uncomfortable.
Even though we live in an age where oversharing is a cultural norm, I see nothing wrong with your letting your daughter know that while you're there for her as much as ever, you don't feel the need to be privy to the more intimate details of her sex life.
You may be one of your daughter's best friends, but you are also still her mother.