DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: Several of my girlfriend’s friends have recently gotten engaged, and they all were those big, totally planned, very public deals.
I’m ready to ask her too, but I don’t want a public spectacle. I think she is expecting one though. Do I ask her how to ask her, or just go with the private proposal at our favorite park, with just the two of us, like I’ve long thought about whenever I thought of asking her? --- PRIVATE KIND OF GUY
DEAR PRIVATE KIND OF GUY: Just because her friends had the flashy, public affairs doesn’t mean that’s what she wants.
By now, if you’re at the stage of even contemplating asking her to marry you, hopefully you know your girlfriend well enough to be able to gauge what kind of proposal most matches her personality, and go with that ─ whether it’s big and public, or as you always envision it, you two away from it all.