DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: My mom is a young-looking, attractive late 40-something, but I never see her in anything other than t-shirts, flannel shirts, and jeans. She’s very proud of the fact that some of her clothes go back to her college days, and when things wear out, she replaces them with the same style! She works in a food store, so she doesn’t need anything special for that, but when I try to talk to her about updating her wardrobe even a little, she tells me she doesn’t need or want to spend a lot of money on clothes she’s never going to wear.
I would think most women want to look good, why not my mom? --- DAUGHTER OF A FRUMP
DEAR DAUGHTER OF A FRUMP: Hey, if your middle-age mom still fits clothes from when she was in college, I say good for her.
However, she might be able to use something for dressier occasions, and that’s where your advice could come in handy. If you haven’t already, try taking her shopping and introducing her to more updated styles that might not be as far a cry from her usual look as she imagines. If money’s an issue, have her tag along with you to thrift or consignment shops and see if anything appeals to her there.
In the end, so long as your mother is honestly content with her everyday look, and it works for her current needs, then let her do her thing.