DEAR NATALIE: I slept with my good friend’s new boyfriend a few weeks ago. I didn’t know he was with her as I hadn’t met him yet or seen a photo. I only discovered this when I was out with my friend getting a drink and he showed up to meet her. He looked as surprised as I did. Now I feel conflicted. Do I tell my friend what happened? He said that they aren’t even that serious, but when you talk to her, she paints a different story. If this guy is a cheater, shouldn’t she know? But I worry if she finds out that I’ll be the one she gets mad at. Should I just keep my mouth shut? But what if they get serious? The whole thing is so uncomfortable. – KEEPING QUIET
DEAR KEEPING QUIET: This is a mess but not of your doing. If he is out there sleeping around without her knowing, she deserves to hear the truth. The unfortunate part – to your point – is she may flip out when she realizes you both have slept with him. But if you don’t say anything, and then eventually she finds out, she may feel as though she can’t trust you again. I would tell her immediately. I would say to her, “You aren’t going to want to hear this – and obviously I had no idea who your boyfriend was – but he and I hooked up a few weeks ago.” Be prepared for her to be upset. Once the dust settles, she may be glad to know so that she can make a decision about him knowing that he was sleeping with other people. If nothing else, being honest with her will lift the weight off of your shoulders and put it squarely on his – where it belongs.
DEAR NATALIE: I have a 27-year-old daughter who lives with me and her grandmother – my mother-in-law – is resentful towards her. Her grandmother is a very difficult person and doesn’t get along with anyone. Recently, my father-in-law passed away and now my mother-in-law will be moving in with us. I am wondering if I should sit them both down ahead of time and discuss how we can all live together harmoniously. I have always told my daughter to be kind to her grandmother, but she’s an adult. I am not sure how to navigate this now? I don’t want to end up in the middle. – FAMILY DRAMA
DEAR FAMILY DRAMA: Having multiple generations under one roof can be very challenging because everyone has their own way of moving in the world. I would work to set healthy boundaries for everyone to minimize the anxiety you could feel in the house. Having a family meeting prior to her moving in is smart to help build open communication to offset any issues. Talking with your daughter alone is another good idea because she needs to remember that her grandmother is older and recently widowed. Even if it is difficult, she needs to try and remain calm and patient when communicating with her. I don’t know if your daughter needs to live at home with you or not, but perhaps this could be the reason for her to start looking for her own place. I give you a lot of credit for opening your home to both your adult child and your mother-in-law, so I hope you will set boundaries for yourself, as well.
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