The coming week is likely to require a great deal of soul-searching, as individuals are faced with situations that prove challenging on a highly emotional level and demand honesty and self-awareness. This week, it is not enough for one to say, "This is who I am," but rather, it will be necessary to demonstrate that in all one does. This is especially true for those who have received all that they have longed for, as it's likely to be revealed that one's "heart's desire" is, in fact, nothing of the sort. This can prove devastating where close personal relationships are concerned, for one party may want something that the other does not -- and vice versa.
Honest talk, and a willingness to listen, will prove essential -- especially for couples who are eager to find common ground upon which to build a healthy future. The decisions made this week can have far-reaching effects, and love is not likely to co-exist with self-deception. Self-knowledge, on the other hand, is the key to happiness.
ARIES (March 21-April 4) -- It may be time to get rid of that which has been in your way for a while. The opportunity can be made if it doesn't present itself. (April 5-April 19) -- They say you can't have too much of a good thing, but this week you're likely to prove that the adage simply isn't true. Use care -- especially after dark.
TAURUS (April 20-May 5) -- You may have trouble making a plan this week, but someone is likely to save the day for you by presenting a few easy steps that are foolproof. (May 6-May 20) -- The social scene is likely to open one or two professional doors this week; you must be sure to follow up, or they're likely to slam shut quickly.
GEMINI (May 21-June 6) -- You and a friend who are currently at cross-purposes can find a way to come together effectively once you acknowledge a common purpose. (June 7-June 20) -- That which provided you with a great deal of enjoyment only days or weeks ago may prove a disappointment to you this week. You can spice things up.
CANCER (June 21-July 7) -- You have much to do, and it's not going to get done by anyone else. You must be willing to work long hours this week. (July 8-July 22) -- You don't want to risk all the gains you've recently enjoyed by making a professional decision that goes against the common good. You know what is right!
LEO (July 23-Aug. 7) -- You can formulate a plan this week that serves everyone well. A profit-making scheme is worth a try, but you mustn't put too much stock in it. (Aug. 8-Aug. 22) -- This week you may be tempted to do something that hasn't worked for you in the past. What makes you think it will be different this time?
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 7) -- You'll be racing against the clock for much of the week, but if you trust your natural skills and the work you've put in, you'll fare well. (Sept. 8-Sept. 22) -- Now is the time for you to put all you've got into a single endeavor, for you know who is watching and you know what the potential rewards can be. Go for it!
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 7) -- Sharing a personal interest with a certain friend early in the week sets things on a new course for both of you. You'll do the right thing. (Oct. 8-Oct. 22) -- Things get interesting when you find yourself in unfamiliar territory this week. What you've done in the past gives you an unanticipated advantage.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 7) -- You may want something that you cannot have, and the emotional toll is considerable. Later in the week a friend comes to the rescue. (Nov. 8-Nov. 21) -- You receive news that has you considering a whole new course of action this week. In the end, you can combine what you know with something entirely unfamiliar.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 7) -- It's not every day or every week that you have the kind of luck you're likely to enjoy right now. You can ride this wave for a while. (Dec. 8-Dec. 21) -- Seek and ye shall find -- but not necessarily what you're expecting to uncover, and you must be prepared to deal with many such surprises this week.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 6) -- You can race through certain duties this week without risking your reputation and leave yourself time for an important personal pursuit. (Jan. 7-Jan. 19) -- The weather and other external forces may seem to be conspiring against you, but you can be victorious if you focus on things you can change.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 3) -- Routine may not give you what you need this week -- but neither will shaking things up without having a definite goal in mind. (Feb. 4-Feb. 18) -- Instead of trying to stand in another's way, do what you can to help. In this way you may be able to forge a productive new friendship -- and enjoy other key rewards.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 5) -- You may have to wait longer than expected this week to get what you feel you have coming to you. Patience is a virtue yet again! (March 6-March 20) -- Take time out when you can to think about what you have done -- and what you have to do. It'll all come together, perhaps, in a way you had not envisioned.