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CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Travis Barker, 41; Josh Duhamel, 44; Patrick Warburton, 52; Harland Williams, 54.
Birthday Baby: You are creative, determined and impulsive. You are sensitive and reserved.
Happy Birthday: Take the high road and do what makes the most sense. Your ability to get things done without a fuss this year will be a springboard for your next act. Don't try to impress, just do what you do best and let the chips fall where they may. You can't always please everyone, but if you follow your heart, you will succeed. Your numbers are 3, 13, 22, 25, 29, 33, 48.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Get work responsibilities out of the way so that you can get on with the things you enjoy. A lesson regarding gratitude will be a turning point in the way you move forward. Your strength will come from well-considered actions. 3 stars
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Carefully observe the way people react to what you do and use that as your indicator for what to do next. Steady progress will help you inch your way to your destination. Make romance and personal gains your priority. 3 stars
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Don't leave anything to chance. Dig deep and you'll discover what is going on behind the scenes. Obtaining information and acting on your findings quickly will ensure that you bring about the changes required to protect your position. 3 stars
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Someone you least expect will offer you help. Before you accept, question why and consider whether you have any means of moving forward on your own. Partnerships will be subject to change and could leave you in a vulnerable position. 4 stars
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Take a step back and take a moment to absorb what's going on around you. Staying calm and keeping your emotions in check will help you avoid missing out on an opportunity that results from networking. Nurture important relationships. 2 stars
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): A change at home will turn out better than expected. Follow your heart and pay attention to your intuition. Someone's motives may not be honorable. Focus on personal changes and gains, not contributing to someone else's accomplishments. 5 stars
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Assess what you have accumulated and consider what you can discard. If something isn't going your way, figure out ways to turn things around. It's up to you to make things happen, so stop waiting for changes to come to you. 3 stars
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Do whatever it takes to strengthen your relationships with the people who can affect your life personally or professionally. Listen and be willing to discuss ideas and plans openly. A joint effort will lead to positive results. Romance is highlighted. 3 stars
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Stand still and breathe deep. It's important to digest all the information being thrown your way before you make a decision that can alter the way people think of you. Take precautions and avoid being tempted by persuasive individuals. 3 stars
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Sign up for something that will encourage advancement. Self-improvement projects will turn out well as long as you don't overspend in the process. A chance to discuss your feelings with someone you love will bring about positive changes. 5 stars
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Fire up the engines and turn up the volume. You have plenty to achieve if you stay focused on your goals and refuse to let emotional interference take over. Strive for discipline and fortitude, and you will find success. 2 stars
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Look for alternate ways to bring in extra cash. A skill you have can be developed and used to your advantage. Romance is on the rise, and making plans with someone special will enhance your chances of improving your lifestyle. 4 stars