May 2 – May 8, 2021
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Don't use force on the 2nd. Show discipline and take care of matters responsibly. You'll get the backup you need on the 3rd and 4th if you call on people you enjoy working alongside. Keeping busy will be in your best interest. The less time you have to talk, the easier it will be to dodge opposition. Take stock of what someone asks you to do on the 5th and 6th before you leap into action. You will want to revise some of the demands being put on you and offer a realistic view of the possibilities. Emotions will surface on the 7th and 8th if someone asks for too much or starts an argument. Choose charm over discord, and keep the peace.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Take a direct approach on the 2nd, and find out what's happening. Stick to instructions, and don't take on responsibilities that don't belong to you. Emotional matters will flare up on the 3rd and 4th, revolving around partnerships and equality. Be realistic, stick to the facts and listen carefully. When in doubt, sit tight, consider your options and target your next move. Share ideas on the 5th and 6th with someone who sparks your imagination. A collaborative effort will ensure you cover every scenario thoroughly. Stick to basics and follow your intuition, and success will be yours. Go back to the drawing board on the 7th and 8th, and tweak anything that isn't working for you. Discipline and hard work will pay off.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Stalling isn't the answer on the 2nd. Dig in and do your research, and you'll discover the best way to move forward. Proceed with a positive attitude and facts to back your proposals. Stop worrying about what others do or say on the 3rd and 4th, and start expanding your skills, knowledge and plans. Invest in what you want to do, not in someone else. Emotional manipulation is apparent on the 5th and 6th. Stick to the truth, and don't believe everything you hear. Moderation will help discourage doing something that is frowned upon by others. Stick to your plan on the 7th and 8th, and don't stop until you are happy with the results. An emotional situation will improve if you share your feelings.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Share your objective with someone you love and respect on the 2nd, and you will get the push you need to turn your plan into something concrete. Romance is in the stars. Rethink how much something will cost on the 3rd and 4th, and you'll find a cheaper way to get what you want without depleting your bank account. A financial seminar will be worth your time and money. You'll have a revelation on the 5th and 6th regarding something you want to pursue. Put your plan in motion, and you will attract interest. Choose your words wisely on the 7th and 8th. An emotional situation will turn into a fight if you aren't willing to find common ground. Choose peace over discord.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Emotions will surface if you feel pressured into something on the 2nd. Don't feel guilty; protect your rights and the freedom to do what's best for you. Pay more attention to what and who is important to you. You may have to bend on the 3rd and 4th if you want to avoid an emotional situation, but it will be worthwhile if you maintain your reputation and status. You'll receive unexpected help on the 5th and 6th. Consider what you will have to do in return before you accept. Lay down some ground rules, and it will ease your mind and eliminate a threat. You'll face opposition on the 7th and 8th. Rethink your strategy, and you'll come up with a plan that pleases everyone.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Send a direct message on the 2nd to get your point across. Someone may overreact, but once you make yourself heard, you'll be able to move forward without feeling guilty. An emotional situation on the 3rd and 4th will push you in a new direction. Let go of the past and embrace the changes that will make your life better. You'll discover an innovative way to use your skills masterfully on the 5th and 6th and reap the rewards for doing so. Don't hold back; you have plenty to gain by being bold. Invest more time and money in something you want to learn and pursue on the 7th and 8th. Don't let someone's negativity hold you back. Love and romance will enhance your life.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Concentrate on what you can achieve on the 2nd. Try something new that will promote a more robust, healthier attitude and physique. How you present yourself to the world will make a difference. You'll make positive strides on the 3rd and 4th if you participate in things that interest you. What you learn will help you turn your ideas into something tangible. You will reap the rewards if you do the work. Handle your money matters carefully on the 5th and 6th. Pay attention to detail and leave nothing to chance. Protect against theft and loss. Take care of your responsibilities on the 7th and 8th before someone complains or steps in and takes over. Keep moderation in mind in all aspects of life. Put health first.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Discuss your thoughts and feelings on the 2nd with someone close to you to offset conflict. Addressing matters before they have a chance to fester is favored. Emotions will swell on the 3rd and 4th. Silence is golden when faced with a no-win situation. Pay attention to growing your empire, and you will realize what's important to you can be achieved. Your ability to come up with workable solutions on the 5th and 6th will help you out financially. Declutter your space and turn it into something that you can use to generate cash. Listen to reason on the 7th and 8th. The advice offered may not be what you want to hear, but it will be valid. Do the right thing.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Do your due diligence on the 2nd, and you'll ease the stress caused by uncertainty. To question is to be informed and prepared for whatever transpires. Your hard work and discipline on the 3rd and 4th will help you discover the best way to put your attributes to good use. Don't stop short of your goal; set high standards and give your all. An emotional incident on the 5th and 6th is best dealt with quickly and professionally. Refuse to let anyone put words in your mouth. Speak up and avoid being lumped in something questionable. Put more time and effort into domestic improvements, putting a financial budget in place and discussing your plans with the people closest to you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): An innovative approach to the way you live on the 2nd will bring about positive change. It's up to you to physically alter the way you do things to make your life better. Be smart if someone is pushy or condescending on the 3rd and 4th, and distance yourself from bullying. Make the adjustments that suit you. Be frank about the way you feel and what you want to happen. You'll come up with a plan on the 5th and 6th that will lift your spirits. You can accomplish plenty if you are passionate about the results you strive to achieve. Don't let an emotional situation on the 7th and 8th turn into a battlefield. Focus on self-improvement, not trying to change others.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You'll accomplish the most on the 2nd if you work alone or you are secretive about what you are trying to accomplish. Problems with a friend, relative or colleague will surface on the 3rd and 4th if you discuss sensitive issues. Choose your words wisely and have a backup plan in place. Turn your attention inward on the 5th and 6th and work on self-improvement projects that will make you feel good about the way you look, what you accomplish and the direction you are heading. Discipline will pay off on the 7th and 8th, and your accomplishments will be recognized by someone special. Make changes at home that will help you develop a project that makes you feel passionate about life.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Valuable suggestions will come your way on the 2nd that will help you sort through some of the difficulties you face regarding your future and how best to proceed. Making the right decision will be easier than anticipated. Be careful on the 3rd and 4th when it comes to money matters or how you earn your living. Promise only what you want and know you can deliver. Be a leader, not a follower. Honesty will be necessary on the 5th and 6th when dealing with sensitive issues and how you feel about someone. Make your intentions clear, and it will be easier to follow through with your plans. Don't feel guilty on the 7th and 8th; do what's best for you.