April 19 – April 25, 2020
ARIES (March 21-April 19): It's best to be secretive on the 19th. The less you talk about yourself, the better. Offer compliments and listen carefully, and you'll draw attention away from you and what you are doing. Emotions will surface on the 20th, 21st and 22nd. Do your best to be reasonable and moderate. Too much of anything will work against you. A change may not be something you want on the 23rd and 24th, but whatever happens will turn out better than anticipated. Keep an open mind and a positive attitude. Spring into action on the 25th. It's time to make things happen. Take the plunge, and update your image. Set high goals, and don't stop until you are satisfied with the results.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Go about your business on the 19th in order to avoid getting involved in someone's drama. A creative outlet will encourage you to look for new ways to use your skills. Keep moving forward on the 20th, 21st and 22nd. An aggressive approach to work and negotiations and giving your resume an update will put you in a better position. Financial gain should be your priority. Refuse to waste your time on the 23rd and 24th getting all riled up over something you cannot change. Put your energy to good use, and do what you do best. Discipline and hard work will pay off on the 25th. Someone you love will contribute to your success. Make personal improvements.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Don't give anyone the upper hand on the 19th. Information is power, and if you reveal too much, you will end up being at a disadvantage. Personal gain and improvement should be your focus. You'll get ahead on the 20th, 21st and 22nd if you do your own thing and don't let anyone manipulate you or occupy your time with matters that won't benefit you. Live, learn and explore on the 23rd and 24th. A change may be overwhelming, but if you listen and gather factual information, you will discover a worthwhile opportunity. Commit to someone or something that you feel drawn to on the 25th. Sharing your intentions will bring you to a fork in the road that will set you free.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Turn your dream into a reality on the 19th by eliminating whatever is standing in your way. Make your move. Emotional matters will crop up on the 20th, 21st and 22nd if you pay too much attention to what others have to say. Distance yourself from meddlers and those who bring out the worst in you. Touch base on the 23rd and 24th with someone you enjoyed collaborating with in the past, and you will be offered insight into new ways of dealing with old problems. A change may seem impossible, but with a little ingenuity, you will achieve what you set out to do. Be suspicious of the information you receive on the 25th. Check the facts before you proceed.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Learn from mistakes on the 19th, and you'll save yourself a financial setback. Consider how you can help without jeopardizing your mental, physical or economic well-being. Visit someone on the 20th, 21st and 22nd who lifts you and motivates you to do and be your best. Romance will encourage new beginnings. Emotional manipulation will lead to disaster on the 23rd and 24th. Don't make a move because someone else does. Keep your private affairs a secret. Stick to tried-and-true methods on the 25th, and you'll avoid getting involved in someone's unfortunate decisions. Set a positive example for others by doing what's right and best for everyone. Make love and romance priorities.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Don't leave the changes you want to make on the 19th up to someone else. Be a leader, and keep your plans simple, precise and budget-friendly. Pay closer attention to contracts, investments and medical issues on the 20th, 21st and 22nd. If you overreact, take on too much or take action based on an assumption, you will end up having to backtrack. The coast is clear. The 23rd and 24th will bring about positive change. Learn from experience, and you will ward off an emotional dispute that can slow you down. Only take on what you know you can handle on the 25th. If something doesn't add up, dig deep and find out where you stand before you proceed.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Pay attention to what's going on around you on the 19th. A problem at home will escalate if you are too busy doing your own thing. Take care of your responsibilities first. Address issues quickly on the 20th, 21st and 22nd. Ignoring details will become time-consuming. Take care of every detail personally, and you'll still have time to do something that brings you joy. Romance is featured. Think through the changes you want to make on the 23rd and 24th from top to bottom. If you act in haste, you will end up spending more than you can afford. A day trip or physical activity on the 25th will ease stress. Spend time with someone you love.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Take a different approach on the 19th. Follow your gut feeling to avoid being misled by someone looking out for his or her interest. Keep a creative idea you have a secret. Keep busy on the 20th, 21st and 22nd. If you have too much time to think, you will end up overreacting and get into an unnecessary argument. Look at the big picture on the 23rd and 24th, and you'll discover an opportunity that will enhance your relationship with someone who interests you. Make a positive change in the way you live. Settle into whatever you have to do on the 25th, and don't stop until you finish. Honor the promises you make, and avoid criticism.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Don't trust an emotional situation on the 19th. Someone you are dealing with will feed you information that is vague or not factual. You'll get what you want on the 20th, 21st and 22nd if you ask. Your communication skills are excellent, and your persuasive charm will win over anyone you encounter. A positive change at home will bring you closer to someone you love. Put more emphasis on how to do the best job possible on the 23rd and 24th. Your reputation will depend on your productivity and accuracy. Leave time to kick back with someone you love. Make unique plans on the 25th. The time spent and discussions you have with someone you love will bring lasting results.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Consider what your attributes are on the 19th and how best to incorporate what you love to do into your resume. Someone will present you with an unusual opportunity that encourages you to make a move. You'll face opposition on the 20th, 21st and 22nd. Don't share too much information with someone who likes to compete with you. Do your own thing, and avoid users and abusers. An exciting turn of events will take place on the 23rd and 24th if you listen to what someone from a different background has to say. Don't limit what you can do because you are afraid to try something new. Altering your living space on the 25th will help you cut corners and save money.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Moderation and simplicity will help you avoid a costly mistake on the 19th. Concentrate on using your skills to make improvements that will encourage saving, not spending. Don't give in to emotional manipulation. You'll find a way to make extra cash on the 20th, 21st and 22nd doing something that started as a hobby. Use social media to promote what you have to offer. Keep your emotions well-hidden on the 23rd and 24th to avoid giving someone the upper hand. Don't give in to pressure tactics or someone trying to take advantage of you. Discipline and hard work will pay off on the 25th. Present what you've got to offer, and you'll get a positive response. Romance is in the stars.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Do something that is self-satisfying on the 19th, and you will feel rejuvenated. A creative endeavor will turn out well and draw positive attention. Someone will grant you a favor. Personal pursuits will keep you out of trouble on the 20th, 21st and 22nd. Update your appearance, pay more attention to your diet and do something that will help you stay fit. Be honest with yourself and those close to you. A chance to promote something you enjoy doing on the 23rd and 24th will lead to an unexpected opportunity. Deals and financial gains look promising. Sit tight on the 25th, and finish what you start. Avoid emotional interactions that can disrupt your personal life. Choose peace and love over discord.